The Elderly

Who is considered to be the elderly? Who are they? How about someone being around for a very long time? If you ask anyone what the definition is most everyone will define it a bit differently, or perhaps totally different. So, what I’m saying is there is no correct/ wrong answer. 

I’m going to be using the definition that I mentioned above. “Someone being around for a very long time”. That’s what I will be referring to as I continue.

An elderly couple.

They have some of the same problems as most people in the world, with many different causes, reasons… They have more needs. Some may be in reference to what a baby needs, wants, desires. Not because they are babies in a sense. Although to take care of the elderly, some need the care, attention of a baby. Refusing to have better hygiene, inappropriate behavior, language…They don’t like having outside help such as a caregiver.

It’s hard to imagine what it’s like taking care of an elderly person, unless you are in or have been in the healthcare field. Like I am. 

Basic Activities Daily Living (BADL):



Walking to the toilet w/o assistance




Self Feeding

     This above list are some things everyone but the elderly take for granted.

If an elderly person wants to live independently there are certain requirements that they must be able to meet. Such as the list above, with more things being involved such as finances, their safety, health… 

As long as they don’t get social isolation/ loneliness,this can shorten their lives. It changes their physical, mental health.

A lot of seniors are having to make tough choices between food or medicine every month. More than 25% of Americans fall every year that are 65 years or older. 

    Although today more elderly people are living longer, working, healthier…. There are still things that no one can stop from happening such as taking longer to do tasks than it did years ago, and some elderly don’t eat as much as before.

Before we all get to the stage of being elderly, not many people think about what it means to become an elderly person. Some of the simplest things we do every day become a harder task, it takes longer if they can do it.


As the aging process there are so many different things happening to our bodies.

 One of the most common things is the cardiovascular system. 

The stiffening of arteries and blood vessels, which causes your heart to work harder. 

Another thing is bones shrink in their size, density. Which weakens them, so there’s more risk of falls. 

Age also affects the digestive system. More constipation the older anyone gets. There are other factors that can lead or help in becoming constipated, such as not drinking enough fluid, lack of exercise, medication… 

The bladder muscles get weaker therefore, you go to the bathroom more frequently.

Your memory and thinking skills are affected also.

You might have trouble focusing on being able to adapt to different levels of light to see. They might have difficulty hearing high frequencies..

The elderly’s teeth, the gums might pull away from the teeth, some medications give dry mouth. Therefore, it is vulnerable to decay and infection.

With age your skin becomes more fragile and the fatty tissue just below the skin decreases. Decreases production of natural oils and is making your skin drier.

The body’s metabolism decreases, that’s why the weight gain. 

I personally chose this topic because I love the elderly and when I was a young adult I took classes to become a cna( certified nurses aide). That was 26 yrs. Ago. When I was still in high school I knew an elderly gentleman that needed someone’s help but didn’t have it. That’s when I personally knew what I wanted to do.  I have been in the healthcare field ever since and still going. I did the job which they call “hands on”. I’ve been that type of person all my life. So that means I personally have contact with every person on my list for that day. 

     One of the things I don’t care for is when I get close to someone and they go to that better place. Not that they don’t deserve it!

                                      Elderly Living Alone

In order for an elderly person to live alone there are requirements that they must be able to do. Such as the following:


The basic for feeding any elderly person without any conditions such as Alzheimer’s Disease, is as follows:   

Make sure you are feeding them what they are supposed to have without any restrictions, such as nutrition wise…

Have the person you are ready to feed sitting as straight up as possible.

It’s your job to make sure you aren’t giving too much at a time. Pay close attention to the person you are feeding. So that they don’t choke, or spit it out…


Meaning that they don’t have control over their bladder and bowels. To be independent they must have control over their bladder, bowels. 

Walking to the toilet without assistance: Meaning walking to the bathroom without help from another person.


The elderly person must be able to groom themselves without the help from another person. Such as bathing, combing their hair.

Dressing: Must be able to dress themselves on a daily basis.


Must be able to move around inside and outside without another person’s help.

Self Feeding:

Must be able to feed themselves without a person’s help.

For me I knew in my early teens I wanted to help any elderly person. No matter what they needed or wanted. If I could do it I would. That’s what I have been doing for most of my adult life, with joy!

I started as a healthcare professional as a certified aide. One of the best healthcare positions for a hands on person. Meaning I had the most human contact that the elderly person had on a continuous basis. I looked forward to going to work and helping them as much as possible. The best part of the day was knowing I helped them and seeing a grin even. A bad part of this kind of job is if you have feelings you may get close to a few, then when it’s their time to go to Heaven, I get sad, I cry. Nothing would be the same, not saying that I still didn’t love my job, I did. 

Now, my physical health isn’t letting me do any Certified nursing aide work, but I’m still in the healthcare profession, as a home health aide. This position lets me go to people’s homes and help them with whatever they need me to do, that I can do.