Is Going to College Worth It? More evidence points to college being a waste of time, money, and energy in addition to causing massive debt and having a negative financial impact on people’s life. To repay, it will take several generations.
Grades and school tuition are rising, but real-world success rates are falling, just like the jobless rate has!
“Colleges raise their tuition every year, but they hardly ever teach anything. You could face a fraud indictment if you try that in a private company. If you do it at an American university, taxpayer grants totaling billions will be awarded.”
Is a College Education Worth It?
Okay, let’s go over this again.
During their first two years of college, 45% of students “did not demonstrate any significant improvement in learning”. Almost 40% of students learned nothing at all during the course of the four years.
Obviously, attending college does not increase intelligence.
- A significant number of students never really studied; 35 percent said they just studied for five hours a week or less. That is limited to 2.67 hours per day. Double that amount of time for dining, shopping, and partying.
- A steady rise in adult illiteracy. In cognitive tasks, the majority of college graduates perform below average. (For example, figuring out how much groceries cost).
- American college graduates score on par with or lower than high school students in a number of other nations.
- The level of scholarly rigor at elite universities is falling.
- College courses become more superficial. However, college GPA averages are higher than 3.0 averages. Private Schools Have the Highest Grade Inflation Rates. Although more students are failing, nobody is failing.
- High school students in a number of other countries perform on tests that are at least as good as those taken by US college graduates.
- Academic rigor at top universities is deteriorating.
- College courses become less rigorous. However, college GPA averages are higher than 3.0. Private school grade inflation is the highest. Although more students are failing, no one fails.
Furthermore, these institutions are receiving billions of taxpayer dollars? WHAT? There would be fraud indictments if this were a private company.
- Therefore, what is the response?
- Even while the tuition may not cost you thousands and thousands of dollars, the education you will receive right away has a track record of helping students earn hundreds to thousands of dollars per week.
- Nor are these course plans for two, four, or eight years. In just one to six months, you can genuinely learn and make money.
- Costs? Well, starting at just $97 will get you started.
- You say, “Too good to be true?” in particular in light of college’s confirmed status as a genuine scam for millions of Americans.
It gets better—you’ll receive your $97 back after a full 60 days!
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