Dense Beef (different)

What is dense beef? Good question. There’s so much to learn here with me, about this product. There’s more that goes into this behind the scenes. To produce the purest, most nutrient-rich, fat, dense beef, animals must gather the seed of the natural landscape for many years.

Dense piece of meat.

A lot of it starts where the location of the cows will be, the water, what they are being fed…The cows need to have the right amount of nutrients in what they eat.

Animals use their fat as fuel to store poisons and nutrients. Only the knowledge stored in the grass and the natural components cause our bodies to react.

Grass fed vs. Corn fed

The reason America feeds maize to cows is that the three main interests of 97% of cattle farmers in the country today are money, efficiency, and speed. Their objective is to raise the greatest number of cattle in the shortest length of time for the lowest possible cost. The normal process of fattening cows on pasture takes years. In their rush to turn a profit, commercial cattle farmers have discovered that feeding cows a diet high in corn causes the animals to gain weight within six months.

Why do cows that consume maize gain weight so quickly? Naturally, corn has more calories and fat than grass, which is a fibrous plant. Any animal that consumes a diet that it cannot digest, however, may experience difficulties. When cows are fed a diet high in maize, they can develop obesity, bloating, and health issues. Therefore, 97% of cattle producers deal with diseases like “dust pneumonia,” “feedlot polio,” “acidosis,” and “rumentitis,” all of which are serious and sometimes fatal. These illnesses are caused by the unnatural diet of corn, grain, and by-products” like “feather meal,”

In the mix of all this there’s some real science going on behind the scenes.


Without nitrates, our favorite lunch meats wouldn’t be the same; nitrates are found in cured and smoked meats, which help stop the growth of pathogens and guard against diseases like botulism and listeria. Actually, in order to go with the health law that protects us, producers are required by law to add nitrates to certain meat products. But nitrates are not just necessary; they also have another beneficial use. They impart the distinctive flavor and reddish-pink color to meals like summer sausage and bacon.

Nitrates are found: In smoked pork items, like bacon and ham… Nitrates are an essential component of our favorite meat items, whether they come in the form of pink salt or celery salt. In their summer sausage and hot links, add celery powder to fulfill the crucial roles of nitrates, as mentioned above.

It’s amazing that 80–90% of dietary nitrates come from vegetables! Since nitrates are inert on their own, they are safe. The body’s enzymes or bacteria in our saliva convert nitrates into nitrites. Nitrites can be transformed into either the harmful chemical nitrosamines or the beneficial chemical nitric oxide.

There’s so much information here. I didn’t know that there was such things in the process such as this. So, much you could learn and use the knowledge you will have for the future.

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