My Adventure in Oil Painting

I was in 7th grade when I really started to get into knowing more about oil painting, art. Although some things I was surprised it was considered “art”. Such as something made from copper, twisted. What does “art” mean to me? Also, to know there are so many variations of art, what it could be of, the texture of something…

As I spent a little more time in the art room in school, I would learn a bit more about art, such as, mixing the different colors, what color to add to make a certain color. She would take some time and show me what colors to mix for some of the basic colors on the color wheel. If I didn’t know something I would ask the art teacher.

A young boy walking through  Albany Institute of Art and History

One day she gave us (the class) an assignment. I chose to do an oil painting of a “Pegasus. During that time I didn’t know there was such a thing. I started with the background being partly sky, and cloud. Then each art class I would keep working on it. I got almost halfway done and I was trying to paint something on the canvas and it wasn’t going very well. I picked it up and threw it in the garbage! Once my art teacher realized it, she made me go get it out of the garbage. She was showing me how to do what I originally wanted. Today, I believe that she was also trying to teach me a lesson in “disguise” life isn’t perfect but never give up!


During my high school years I tried some different textures of things related to art, new things to me. I wasn’t able to explore as much as I would’ve liked to. Although, some such as chalk, water colors I was able to. There were so many different things about art, what it was… that I never knew about. It was like I have been living under a rock all my life.

As I got older, then I went to college, when I got to choose some art courses, one was oil painting the other was interior design. I didn’t end up finishing either. I didn’t know anything about interior design at all, never heard of it before, it was interesting!

Since, I have some knowledge about art and the different things art is made from… I love looking at oil paintings mostly but I love looking at most art! I enjoy going to museums and anything of the nature of “art”. If, it wasn’t for my school art teacher not giving up on me with that oil painting who knows what journey I would be on, all because of an oil painting!

Wow, who would’ve guessed after all of these years I would still remember the lessons from my junior high school art teacher? Even after all of these years, I can remember it like it was yesterday! To this day I still like viewing oil paintings. So, when I retire I would like a studio so I can fulfill one of my dreams, oil painting!

This one oil painting opened a whole new world and didn’t really realize it at that very moment. Today as I look back on that day I realize exactly what it really means, I almost felt like I was in a sheltered world/life. That was a wake up call sort of to speak. I felt I discovered something, which I really did. Today I put the skills that I learned to work as much as possible. I really love oil painting! Going somewhere quiet with maybe just mother nature and enjoy every moment.